Saturday, November 29, 2008

On the charts

well this is very late, but i took Colin in for his 2 year check up, i guess it was about 2 weeks ago. Colin is just a little guy has been for quite some time now, he takes after his Dad just down right skinny. Colin hasnt been on growth charts for awhile he is usually in the 0%-1% range for his weight. Although he just doesnt look that small, he is definitely skinny but not unhealthy looking. Well when i took him in they weighted him and he was at 24.5 pounds, which puts him in the 11%, the doc was so happy with that! I was thrilled!!!!! They measured his head and it has always been just right at 50% and it was in the 85% so the doc says he should be caching up real soon, he should hit a good growth spurt! He is doing so good, talking up a storm, playing so well with Gavin, who is for sure his best friend. Just a really cool kid!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Nolan rolled over!

on thur the 13th nolan rolled over!! some of you may know that Gavin and Colin rolled over when they were 3 months old. Nolan turned 4 months yesterday, so he was just in time!! Kind of a joke but it is really cool all 3 of them rolled over when they were 3 months. Oh yea its from back to tummy. Now we cant get him to stop, he just rolls and rolls and rolls!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy 2nd birthday Colin!!!

well late happy birthday, it was yesterday the 14th. I was going to post the day got away from me. Jason took the day of yesterday, to spend with us for Colin's birthday. One of the coolest things that happened yesterday was totally out of my control, we woke up to snow!!! Colin was so excited, that it had snowed just for his birthday. We had a full day planned for him, first if you know Colin at all the kid loves 3 things, turtles, rocks, and his blanket. So we thought we could help at least one out, we took him to the trading post to pick out some new rocks, and have lunch. He had a blast, and gavin even got some new rocks too. Then it was naptime so we all took a break. Then Jason and I took Colin and Gavin to the movies, and not just the regular movies but the IMAX not to bad for your first movie experience. So we saw Madagascar 2 on the IMAX, the boys loved it, they did such a good job. They got popcorn, candy and soda, we had to go all out since it was their first movie. It was such a fun day, and all thanx to Colin!!

Colin you have made our lives so fantastic, i could never imagine not having you here! You are your Daddys boy, not only do you look like him but you have some of his best traits. We are so proud of the boy you are growing up to be. You are so social and funny, you will talk to anyone and tell them whatever you can think of. If you can make someone laugh that is when your heart shows. What a cool little kid you have turned out to be. We love you so much!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

4 years i never could have imagined!

Today is our 4th anniversary, crazy how time goes by. So its been 4 years and 3 boys later, how cool it is that we have 3 awesome boys! Jason has been something i never expected, 2 words describe him, my best friend. I know sometimes that cliche is used loosly but really he is thee is no other person that is to me what he is. He has become everything to me, and in a simple way of saying "the love of my life." Yea sure we have been through some not so fun times, but they have never been horrible. Never have i known more than this that he is it for me. I mean "it" for me, these 4 years is what my life is about. I feel full, and Jason and i together is why.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jasons OCD

carving punkins... yep this is Jasons OCD. I had to share these pictures Jason did an amazing job!