Monday, February 23, 2009


Nolan was baptised on Sunday morning at Frist Pres. Church downtown. It was Awesome!! You may or may not know that i was baptised as an infant in this church as was my Dad. Gavin Colin and now Nolan have been baptised there also. So this is a 3 generation baptism. What a beautiful day, and a beautiful moment!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a day in the life of...

So today was a pretty normal day for us, so i thought i would take some pictures and tell you how it went. The boys all woke up at about 7am, Gavin and Colin decided they would play in their room for a little while before coming down for breakfast. Nolan and i went downstairs and for some rolling around time on the floor. The boys finally came down and we all had breakfast. I worked out for a little while, while the boys ran around and played and entertained Nolan. By that time it was time for Nolans first nap, and the boys decided they wanted to watch Monsters Inc. So we all sat down and watched a movie and read books. Nolan woke up and i took a shower, got all 3 of the boys dressed to go out. I forgot i ran the dishwasher so had to empty that real quick. Then it was off to Home Depot to get some Caulking to redo in the Shower in our room, another check of the list to getting our house ready! On our way home i was talking to the boys asking them what they wanted for lunch and Gavin asked for Chips and Cheese. Now this is one of my fondest memories of growing up. I usually got it when i was home sick from school, my mom would heat up Cheese whiz put i layer or Ruffles on a plate then put some melted chz of them and then a layer of fritos and some more melted chz on top. I loved it!! And since we hadnt done it for lunch in quite some time i thought oh heck why not, we dont aways have to follow the rules.

After lunch it is time for naps for Colin and Nolan and quiet time for Gavin while i try and catch up on work. To much of my surprise Gavin fell asleep too!! Which he almost never does. Nolan decided to take a short nap so it was me and him after playing for a little while i decided i would help Jason get a head start and i took the old caulking out of the shower. By that time Colin woke up, and crazy enough Gavin was still sleeping, So i read a couple of books to Colin and Nolan. We went downstairs and i got a bowl of Cheerios for Colin and Nolan to share. This is what happened next...

So yes Colin was feeding Nolan Cheerios, isnt that what big brothers are for?!?!? Gavin then woke up and he wanted to some Pretzels, so Colin and him sat at the table for a little snack while i feed Nolan his 2nd baby food for the day. I cleaned up a little ( swept and mopped) while Gavin and Colin played outside and Nolan played in his exersauser. Nolan then went down for his third and final nap. Now i am getting dinner ready, sine Colin has swim class at 5:30 tonight. After Swim class it will be Nolans dinner and bath time and then story and bedtime. Anyways that is just one of the many days in the life of us!

Monday, February 9, 2009

time for some pictures!!

Nolan with Stella
Nolan after the bath

Gavin and Colin trying my Birthday cake, to make sure its good, right?!?

Colin in his cowboy hat

Gavin and Colin making my Birthday cake

Gavin and Colin hanging out in one of the boxes we are using to get our house "ready" to put on the market.


On Saturday the 7th my mom thought she was going to Fargo's for a nice lunch with my family and both of my brothers and their families. What a surprise we had in store for her!! With it being her 60th Birthday the family thought we should make this a big deal. There was about 45 people there for her, not much of a surprise since so many think she is the best! She was shocked! thank goodness cuz towards the last week i thought she might have some sort of an idea. but she didn't she was truly surprised. It was a great party, everyone had a great time, it was nice to see everyone there to celebrate a birthday of a woman who truly deserves to be celebrated. Happy Birthday MOM!!! We think you are one of a kind and love you SO MUCH!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Its gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiney day

I have talked and talked and talked till i was blue in the face, and it actually worked!! Gavin had his swim class last night and he did GREAT!!!!! tried his absolute hardest to be a good listener and a AWESOME swimmer, the teacher even used him a couple of times to show other kids some swim moves, since he was doing them so well. He was so proud of himself!! And we were even more proud. I have been trying to look at him differently lately and look past the normal 3 year old behaviors, he is the most thoughtful and smart kid i know. Each one of these boys is special in their own way. Colin is a charmer and extremely athletic, Gavin Thoughtful and smart really really smart. Nolan well he is still showing us who he is i mean he is only 7 months old:) Just wanted to update that things are 100% better all around. Just went through a bad patch and well i know those will come and go, just glad that they go!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

off the deep end

I am not even sure what i am trying to write today, maybe i am writing for encouragment or maybe for a release. We have had a really hard week and a half, and i am starting to feel horrible. I guess when i say horrible i mean i feel like it is all my fault, because in all reality i have no one to blame for my childrens behavior but my self. So somewhere along the way i have to change what i am doing, right?!?!? So lets start off with the good news, Nolan has no behavioral issues, no arguing, no not listening, he is doing great, eating great slepping pretty good, no real complaints from him. Now on to the other two... Someone said to me once that 3 was worse than 2 i thought no, no way Gavin was a great 2 year old so we are just doing fine! Wow, i dont know who that person was but i could kill them, wasnt that just a jinx?!? We are in the 3's right now and i am not surei will make it through. Please dont get me wrong he is a great kid and i truly mean that! But he doesnt seem to want to listen, and argues with me all of the time, i stay consistant like i am supposed to but i feel like giving up. And Colin well he is 2! I guess maybe this is good though since he is showing his real 2's maybe the 3's wont be hell. Alli know is that i have 3 wonderful BOYS, and boys are something different. Its hard to figure out just how they really work, and still as an adult arent we are women still trying to figure out how men (boys) work. And i am trying to raise 3 men. I just feel so ineffective. Where all this stems from is swimming class, both Colin and Gavin are in a swimming class. Colin is in a mommy and me one which he really does awesome in. And Gavin is in his own class without parents. Gavin does good, when his teacher asks him to do something, he does it the best he can and he does it right away. He is so comfortable in the water and in return thinks he can be all by himself. So when it is not his turn he is spalshing around, and wondering off and teacher constantly has to say" GAVIN, come back" i feel like i horrible mother, since all the other kids are listening pretty well and not being told to come back all the time. Am i expecting to much, for him to be perfect?!? i dont think so i am just not sure how to get across to him to listen to his teacher better. So any words of encouragment are welcomed!! Guessi better stop blogging Nolan just woke up. Pray for a better day please.