Friday, July 18, 2008

A new Love

HE IS HERE!!!!!!!!
He was born at 4:48pm July 16th 8lbs 6oz and 20 in Labor was 9 hours very smooth... He came out perfect 9 out of 9 for his apgars.
No he does not have a name yet, though we do think we have figured it out so we will go with it today to make sure then if it sticks, we will announce tomorrow!!

Gavin and Colin LOVE their brother, they are so gentle with him and so excited for him to finally be here. They love to give him hugs and make sure that he has EVERYTHING that he needs.

thank you for all of your prayers, they were heard!! Everything went perfect, he and i are doing great!


Kendra said...

Congratulations to all of you! I know those 2 big brothers will take really good care of him!
Love to all of you!

My Wonderful Life said...

Congratulations to you guys. He is adorable. I can not wiat to meet him. If you need anything let me know.

Meredith said...

aww he is gorgeous!!!!! Great job sarah!!!!!!!

Kristy said...

What a sweetie! I picked up Jordan last night from Denver and we were trying to come up with a name for the new one. Jordan thought it would be fun if you named him "No-one" but then we decided on "Nobody". Can you imagine...Who did this?--Nobody
Who wants to go?--Nobody. The possibilities are endless.
Seriously,I'm sure you will come up with a great name.
Aunt Kristy

Unknown said...

Beautiful new son, beautiful family, congratulations Jason and Sarah on your new son, Gavin and Patrick on your new brother. With much love always. Aunt Debbie