Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finger Paints

Not a whole lot has happened but the last 3 days have been eventful, if you cant tell, i have got to keep up on this blog more, i am getting a laptop for work in a day or so, i hope that will help me keep up on this as i will be more portable. Well today was a day to stay inside so i thought it would be fun to finger paint! Fun doesn't even begin to describe it. I got everything set up newspaper on the kitchen floor, they boys stripped down to diapers. I tried my best to explain as easy as i could how we needed to stay on the newspaper. I got they construction papers in front of them, with names already on it, as i knew i couldn't afterwards, if you can tell i have done this before, when i was with 3-5 years olds. So i put i spot of finger paint in each color right next to them. Gavin jumped right in, literally feet first, so once i helped him to see how his hands worked better, man he was all over it, just loved it! Colin, well he dipped the tips of his fingers in the paint smeared it around his knees and belly i tried to show him to put it on the paper, no interest. So i was helping Gavin again, and i look over and Colin is attempting to put his fingers in the paint again, he does, and HATES it, i mean real tears and everything, he is trying to shake the paint off his fingers. It was all i could do not to laugh. After they were both washed in the sink, i hung the pictures on the frig, they came to look at them and BOTH are SO proud of what they had done. Every day is so fun with them!

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