Monday, March 10, 2008

Potty Potty Potty

Yep that is all we do anymore, POTTY! Friday night Gavin asked to go potty and like he has before (and never done anything) we sat him on the potty, sure enough HE WENT!! So we threw a party like there was no tomorrow, he was so proud. Saturday was a little crazy, so we didnt try anymore. Sunday came and we went full force started out with underwear and never looked back. He did AWESOME, just took right to it, like it was no big deal we have had a couple of accidents along the way but really i think we have only had 2 accidents in 2 days. He is just amazing, he now tells us when he has to go and waits till he gets there to go!! WWOOOOHHHOOO, now the last thing we have to do before baby is born is get Colin into a toddle bed and move the crib back into the 3rd bedroom.

Guess what there is even more potty time...

We got a new puppy on Sunday afternoon, Jason works with a guy and his dog had puppies, so we went to look, and of course we couldnt leave without one. So yes we have a 7 week old cute as can be puppy. Her name is Stella, and he mom is a Australian Shepherd mix, and we dont know who the dad is so she is a mutt. So yes we are house breaking her. The boys fell in love and she feels the same, she follows them around, and they follow her. Gavin has really taken to her, and Colin still kinda thinks shes a toy he can pick up and play with. When anyone comes through the door Colin stands next to Stella and points to her to show her off.

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