Friday, March 21, 2008

we will survive...i think

Yes oh yes Gavin is 2, i know i have said this before but the last 3 days have been the most extreme. He is testing everything, trying to figure out how to act and what he can get away with. I always thought that when children are 2 it is the most important time in their little childhood it is when they learn just how far they can go. And generally what is right from wrong. I know that this will ALWAYS be a test somehow, but they really learn the politics of life at this time. So it is hard to figure out how to discipline him and teach him right now, knowing that so much is ridding on this stage. He tries so hard to be good you can just see in him that he is not sure how to act. Colin on the other hand is at this really cool stage, he wants to sing songs and do the motions to them and he is just so easy going. He is so fun and playful and now he likes to give kisses, one of my favorites. And baby #3 is doing good, just moving along.

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